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Somerset Day 2023

Glastonbury Tor and surrounding area

We will be celebrating Somerset’s 2024 birthday over the second weekend in May

Fly the flag for Somerset

We will be announcing our plans for celebrating Somerset Day 2024 later in the year.

In the meantime, take a look at what took place over the 2023 Somerset Day weekend, and the lead up to it, following on from the Coronation weekend, when we celebrated the ‘gathering together of all the people of Somerset' for King and County.

May 2023

Somerset Day 2023 - Fly the flag

Fly the Flag for King & County

Fly the Flag for King and County by starting celebrations online and by flying a Somerset flag from May 11th.

Follow #somersetday on social media.

May 2023

We need your help to ensure that as many people as possible take part and at the same time!This is no ordinary quiz – we are organising Somerset’s BIGGEST EVER Quiz!

Principal partners

Official partners
